Editing Services
RM Edits offers developmental editing in a “First Look” analysis as well as various content editing including line editing, copyediting and proofreading.

First Look Analysis
The "First Look" analysis will take a look at the first 20,000 words of your manuscript. The editor will look at the structure, character development, pacing and plot and help highlight areas of strength and point out any issues that may be of concern in your manuscript as you continue forward. If you are unsure that you are heading down the right path and are concerned about going too far in the wrong direction this service would be an excellent tool for you to help strengthen the start of your novel.
○ This service includes a meeting by phone (usually one- two hours) where the editor will give notes to the author verbally and discuss solutions.
○ Rate: $200 Flat Fee.

Line Edit
The developmental editing has been completed and your story structure is set, what happens now? A line edit, or a more general edit, looking at your language use at the sentence and paragraph level would be a good next step. A line edit will make sure that your writing is clear, fluid and pleasurable to the reader. Working with an editor in this way will not only improve your current manuscript but will help sharpen your creative tools to be a better writer in your future projects as well. RM Edits will always honor the authors unique voice and work with you to keep your story, yours- just polished.
○ This service will include in-manuscript changes and notes that may draw your attention to run-on sentences, redundancies from words or sentences that are overused or the same information being repeated in different ways, tonal shifts and unnatural phrasing, changes that could be made to improve pacing or clear up action and/or dialogue that is confusing, and suggestions to tighten up paragraphs that aren't reading well.
○ Rate: Pricing varies, please contact us for a quote.

So your writing is solid and your looking for more of a technical edit? Copyediting will comb through your manuscript and remove any distractions that could diminish the readers experience. This is usually done after a line edit and will focus solely on things like spelling, grammar, punctuation and syntax.
○ This service will include 2 passes of in-manuscript editing. In addition to correcting the mechanics of your manuscript, the editor will also ensure the consistency of spelling, hyphenation, and capitalization in your work. The editor will also track any macro concerns for internal consistency (for example the female dog is being mistakenly referred to as male) and flag any factually incorrect statements.
○ Rate: Pricing varies, please contact us for a quote.

Cold Read
A cold read is a fresh set of eyes at the very end of the publication process that looks for any glaring issues that may have slipped through the previous rounds of editing. Ideally, this cold read is done by someone who has nothing to do with the earlier rounds of editing and focuses on errors a typical reader would notice. Think of this service as your final sanity-check and defense against any potential brutal reviews from that reader who couldn't get over that one thing.
○ This service includes the editor searching out any typos, wrong words, missing words, obvious continuity issues or punctuation errors, etc.
○ Rate: Pricing varies, please contact us for a quote.